Performance Assessments

Movement Performance Assessment

If you’re an athlete recovering from an injury, completing a movement performance assessment with a trained professional can be the best method to determine if you’re ready to get back to your sport. We bring you through a researched-based sport-specific performance assessment to identify movements that limit your performance or increase your risk of injury.  Each assessment is specific to both the sport and the position you play, for example, a hockey goalie will complete a different battery of tests than a ski racer, soccer forward, or runner.

What Does It Include?

Each assessment includes a general surgical/ injury history and screen followed by sports specific testing in the following areas to get a comprehensive understanding of your athletic readiness.

  • This portion of the assessment will assess the load and resistance your body can handle as well as your flexibility and range of motion. This portion of the assessment is foundational for understanding proper progressions for your training program.

  • The functional assessment looks at how your body is able to coordinate and control performance-oriented movements, such as hopping, jumping, throwing, stability, and other drills in various combinations and frequencies. We look to make sure your body is ready to put its newly rebuilt strength into action and that there are no major bilateral inbalances that would put you at a higher injury risk after your return to play.

  • Depending on your sport, your health history, and additional risk factors, rebuilding your endurance prior to jumping back into activity will be essential.

    We will help you feel confident that your cardiovascular and muscular system is ready for the demands of your sport.

  • For many sports, quick direction changes and power aren’t only important for achieving peak performance, they help you avoid injuries and react appropriately during your activity.

    This portion of our assessment is essential in predicting your continued athletic success.

Our Game Plan

We use a popular green light, yellow light, red light scale to help you make the best decision about the best time to return to your sport. We’ll discuss your performance assessments results and future training directions with you in detail, so you can leave the clinic with a Game Plan. We make sure your game plan addresses your specific body needs and gives you a training program so you can confidently work towards optimizing your athletic potential.


Red Light

Currently in pain, experiencing current or chronic injury, or several movement deficits. Physical Therapy intervention appropriate to address concerns.


Yellow Light

Some concerns or potential risk of injury. Individual program to fix movement and performance deficits.


Green Light

Doing great! Leave office with advise on recovery, training smart, physical and mental exercises to advance performance. Call us if you need anything!